Ways to Give
Great Waters depends on you
Make a Donation
Invest in Great Waters. Inspire Community. Great Waters relies on individuals, corporations, and foundations’ generosity to support exceptional artistic productions, music scholarships for students, and community outreach. Ticket sales cover about one-third of our total costs each year. Your gift helps bring music and the performing arts to the Lakes Region. Help make a difference by donating today by choosing the way that is most meaningful for you. Whether you would like to donate cash, stock, make a planned gift, or honor a loved one, we appreciate your generosity.
Different ways to donate
Mail to: Great Waters PO Box 488 Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Planned Giving
Planned gifts are the ultimate way to ensure that GW will continue serving and enriching our community for generations to come. Through a planned gift, a contribution arranged in the present and allocated at a future date, you can help to sustain Great Waters and further our mission while enjoying financial benefits for yourself. Your contribution makes a lasting difference—there are many options, each with distinct advantages and effects.
Donor Advised Funds
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are very effective charitable giving vehicles whereby donors set aside money to be granted to charitable organizations. When processing a DAF grant through a charitable giving account, search for the Great Waters by tax ID (020488006). Great Waters typically receives DAF grant checks within two weeks.
Publicly Traded Stocks
Reduce your capital gains taxes by gifting highly-appreciated security at its present market value. Simply contact executivedirector.org or call 603.569.7710 with the name of the stock you’re transferring and the number of shares you wish to donate. Providing this information in advance allows us to work with you and your broker to track the process and provide information that you’ll need for your tax return.
Corporate Gifts
The top-quality performances and programs we provide are accessible to a broad audience in large part because of our corporate sponsors. Your corporate sponsorship puts your business in front of local, affluent audiences. Donations must be received by April 15th if you wish to be acknowledged in our season ads and Program Book.

Become a Volunteer
Year-round opportunities
Volunteerism is the “heart and soul” of the success of the Great Waters. Combined, volunteers contribute thousands of hours each year ensuring that Festival concerts and events are run smoothly. Beyond those volunteers who are visible – such as ushers, stage hands, and box office workers – are the great number of people behind the scenes.
They help with a variety of tasks associated with presenting the concerts, assist with office projects, and serve as members on various committees such as marketing, programming and development.
Even though the Festival events are seasonal, volunteers contribute their help throughout the year.
“I sincerely enjoyed working as a Great Waters volunteer last summer. I felt I was doing something worthwhile, helping to bring good music and entertainment to our community. It was wonderful to get to know the people involved in Great Waters productions, the chairmen, directors, coordinators, and of course, all the other volunteers. I look forward to being a part of this great team effort again.”
Great Waters Volunteer
What you can count on
- Wonderful music
- You are integral to our efforts and deserving of our unfailing courtesy and respect
- While you’ll work hard, you’ll have fun
- Your particular expertise or interest is important to us and we’ll try to utilize your talents accordingly
Our expectations
- As the face of the Festival, we trust you’ll be enthusiastic, dedicated, energetic, and flexible
- That you will feel at ease and well informed about the Festival by reading the volunteer handbook and attending training/orientation
- That you will enjoy the musical diversity Great Waters offers and join us again next season!
Every action in our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.
~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin

Reach Thousands by Advertising in Our Program
Click here for 2025 Ad Rate Sheet-Early and Reg
The Great Waters program book is distributed free of charge to all audience members during the concert season.
Reserve your spot today and we’ll invoice you later.
Ad Specifications and Pricing:
The Following file formats are acceptable: JPEG, EPS, TIFF, or PDF.
Must be High Resolution (300dpi). Please include all fonts and images.
No photocopies or handwritten ads are accepted.
NOTE: Your ad may be modified for the best print quality. Ads should be emailed to [email protected].
Booking space ends May 24, 2025. All ad artwork must be received no later than May 31, 2025. Invoices will be mailed out to you depending on how you would like to pay via our ad form choices of 1 or 2 payments.
Credit cards are also accepted.
For more information, please contact Great Waters at 603-569-7710 or [email protected]
Checks can be made payable to Great Waters, PO Box 488, 54 North Main St, Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Click our 2024 program to view an example.
Invoice Payment Instructions: Click on Guest. Drop down choose “2025 Advertising.”
If you have any questions please call the office 603-569-7710. Thank you.

For information on becoming a Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze sponsor for the 2025 season, please click here for information on 2025 Corporate Sponsors.
Contact Joan Myers at [email protected] with your sponsorship interest.

Thank You to our 2024 Sponsors
Thank You!
Thank you for being part of the Great Waters family and for your commitment to helping Great Waters offer outstanding musical performances, performing arts education, and scholarships to students pursuing musical education.
We would not be here without you!